
14 Most Effective Ways to Delay Your Periods Naturally

By admin - novembre 26, 2019

Getting periods in every month is a sign of a healthy body. Periods or menstruation occurs to a woman when the lining of the uterus starts shedding. In this process blood and mucosal tissues start discharging from the inner lining of the uterus through the vagina. Generally, a woman gets her period in every 28 days, but sometimes it delays as well as comes early. Periods occur to women (in their reproductive age) every month and if it does not occur at the exact date and delays for few days, we generally get tensed and just try to find out the possible causes of the delay. But sometimes while facing certain situations like going on a trip or attending a marriage function or other similar occasions, we just do not want to mess up our eventful days with periods. So her are the best ways to delay your periods naturally (No side effects).

How to Delay Periods Naturally

There are various OTC drugs available in the market, which can help to delay periods for few days, but these drugs may cause some side effects or health hazards if you take it regularly and without doctor’s advice.
Apart from medicines, there are many other natural ways and remedies that you can use to delay your periods for few days.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

This is an effective natural way to postpone your period for some days. It will not only delay your period but also slow down your premenstrual symptoms.
Things You Need:
  • Apple Cider Vinegar – 3 tsp
  • Water – 1 glass
  1. Mix the apple cider vinegar in water and drink it.
  2. Drink these few days before the actual date of your period, 2 to 3 times a day to get effective results.

2. Gram Lentil Soup

Gram lentil is one of the traditional methods to delay period naturally.
Things You Need:
  • Gram Lentil – 1 cup
  • Warm Water – 3 cups
  1. Roast the gram lentils properly.
  2. Grind it to make a powder.
  3. In a saucepan add warm water and gram lentil powder to it.
  4. Cook it in low flame until the gram lentil becomes soft.
  5. One week before the date of your period, you need to take this gram lentil soup every day.
  6. To get the most effective results take this gram lentil soup on an empty stomach in the morning.

3. Gelatin

If you want to delay your periods naturally for few days, then gelatin mix offers you a good solution.
Things You Need:
  • Gelatin Mix – 1pkt
  • Warm water – 1 glass
  1. Take 1 glass of warm water and add 1 packet of gelatin to it.
  2. Mix it and drink it immediately.
  3. If you are in an emergency to delay your period, then this gelatin mix can give you a quick solution by postponing your period around 4 hours.

4. Lemon

Lemon is a good source of citric acid, which help to push your periods for a few days. Apart from that consuming lemon juice also helps to resolve the symptoms that are related to periods like body ache, pain and inflammation when your period will occur.
Things You Need:
  • Lemons – 3
  • Water – 100 ml
  • Sugar – optional
  1. Take 100 ml of water and mix the juices of 3 lemons to it.
  2. You can add sugar to it for taste.
  3. Drink this lemonade thrice a day to postpone period naturally.
  4. Start drinking this lemon juice 3 days before your presumed period’s date.

5. Raspberry Leaves:

Nor only this fruit refresh you during the hot summer days but also its leaves help you to delay your period for few days.
Things You Need:
  • Raspberry Leaves – 5 to 6
  • Water – 1 cup
  1. Take the raspberry leaves and sundry them.
  2. Take 1 cup of water in a saucepan to boil it in medium heat.
  3. When the water starts boiling, add the raspberry leaves and boil it for few minutes, and then off the flame.
  4. Cover it with a lid and leave for 2 to 3 minutes.
  5. Strain it and drink it hot.
  6. Start drinking this tea 1 week before your expected date of the period.

6. Tamarind Pulp

Tamarind not only adds a tangy taste to your food but also help you push your period for few days.
Things You Need:
  • Tamarind – 12 gms
  • Water – 250 ml
  • Sugar – 1 tsp
  • Salt – 1 pinch
  1. Soak the tamarind in the water overnight.
  2. In the morning take out the seeds and strain the tamarind water.
  3. Add the sugar and salt to it and mix properly.
  4. Drink this in the morning on an empty stomach.
  5. Start drinking this tamarind water 1 week prior to the date of your period to postpone your period for some days.

7. Fuller’s Earth

Do you know any other uses of fuller’s earth except adding a special glow to your face and skin? Yes, it has another use and that is to help you to delay your period for some days
Things You Need:
  • Water – ½ Liter
  • Fuller’s Earth – 25 gms
  1. Soak 25 gms of fuller’s earth in water for 3 hours.
  2. Strain the water and make it 4 equal parts.
  3. Consume this water 4 times a day.
  4. Start drinking this mixture 6 to 8 days before your actual period date.

8. Chia Seeds

Chia seed has various health benefits. Apart from that, it is helpful to postpone your periods naturally.
Things You Need:
  • Chia Seeds – 1 tsp
  • Water – cup
  1. Take 1 cup of water and add the chia seeds to it, and then leave overnight.
  2. Next day morning drink this on an empty stomach.
  3. Doing these 4 to 5 days before your actual period date can help you to postpone your period for some days.
  4. If you are experiencing excessive bleeding during menstruation, taking a cup of chia seed water will help to control it to a great extent.

9. Shepherd’s Purse

Shepherd’s purse is a good source of anti-hemorrhagic properties. So it works to reduce menstrual bleeding. It can also be used to delay your period naturally.
Things You Need:
  • Shepherd’s Purse Leaf – 3 to 4
  • Water – 1 glass
  1. Sundry Shepherd’s purse leaf and grind to powder it.
  2. Add 1 glass of water and mix thoroughly.
  3. Drink it regularly few days before your actual period date to postpone it successfully.

10. Yarrow Tincture

The use of this herb effectively delays periods for some days. It works by controlling hormones in the female body.
Things You Need:
  • Yarrow Tincture – 5 drops
  • Cold Water – 1 glass
  1. Add 5 drops of yarrow tincture to the cold water and drink.
  2. 2.      Drink yarrow water 4 to 5 days before the actual date of your period to postpone it successfully.

11. Sacred Fig

You can drink the juice of sacred fig leaves to delay your period naturally. It postpones the period by controlling the hormone level of your body.
Things You need:
  • Sacred Fig Leaves – a handful
  • Water – 1 cup
  1. In a mixer grinder grind the sacred fig leaves along with the water.
  2. Grind it thoroughly and drink it.
  3. Drink this for a week before the actual date of your period.

12. Licorice Root Powder

The use of licorice root powder is one of the natural ways to postpone periods effectively. It interferes with the hormones of the female body to delay the monthly cycle.
Things You Need:
  • Licorice Root Powder – 3 to 4 gms
  • Drained Rice Water – 1 cup
  1. Add the licorice root powder to the drained rice water.
  2. Mix it properly and drink.
  3. Take this drink for 1 week to postpone your monthly cycle naturally.

13. Indian Spikenard

Ancient Indian women used to take Indian spikenard to decrease the flow of heavy bleeding. But it was found that Indian spikenard can be used to delay periods naturally.
Things You Need:
  • Indian Spikenard Oil – 5 drops
  • Lukewarm Water – 1 glass
  1. Take 1 glass of lukewarm water and mix Indian spikenard oil to it.
  2. Drink this mixture before the start of your menstrual cycle.
  3. It can help to delay your period for few days.

14. Angelica Root

Angelica root or dong quai has been used by Chinese people since ancient times to treat menstrual cramps. It interferes with the hormones of the female body and delays the monthly cycle.
Things You Need:
  • Angelica Roots – a few
  • Water – 1 glass
  1. Steep the roots in hot water for 15 minutes.
  2. Strain it and drink this angelica root tea.
  3. Drink this tea 4 to 5 days before the starting of your period to get effective results.
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